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Strategies for Part-Time Forex Traders

There aren’t many people who are able in order to invest forex all day long. Traders who need to make trades during work in the lunch hour, at night or at lunch find that, in such an unpredictable market, trading only for only a part of the day results in an opportunity missed to purchase or sell. This can lead to catastrophe for the part-time traders.

There is a risk of missing opportunities is not a problem, but it is possible to devise strategies that work using a partial-time schedule. For instance, those trading at night could be restricted to the kinds that they can trade, based on quantities during the 24-hour daytime. The night traders need to utilize a method of trading particular currencies which are most active during the night.

One example is making trades on with the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Japanese the yen (JPY) pair, or it could be the New Zealand dollar (NZD)/JPY or the AUD/NZD pair. It is essential to consider the relationship between currencies when selecting a pair, since having the time to analyze the market and make trades can result in an effective strategy.

part time forex trader

The most significant issue faced by trading part-time is it–time limitations. Here are some methods for trading part-time if you’re on a sporadic schedule.

Know Your Forex Markets

If that you work between 9 and 5 during the U.S., you could trade either before or even after work. The best strategy to trade during these time periods is to select the currency pairs that are most active (those with the highest price movement). Knowing when the major markets for currencies are open can help in picking important forex pairs.

New York opens at 8:00 a.m. until 5:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Tokyo begins at 7:15 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. (EST).
Sydney starts at the time of 5:00 p.m. from 5:00 p.m. until 22:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
London starts from 3:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon EST.

Markets in Japan and Europe (open at 2:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.) remain at full speed, so part-time traders have the option of choosing major currencies. This includes those that are the EUR/JPY pair as well as the EUR/CHF pairing for major currencies, or any pair that include either the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) or Singapore dollar (SGD). The pair AUD/JPY could work well for those who trade part-time that are available between 5 p.m. until midnight. While it is essential to determine the most suitable currencies that work with your timetable, prior to placing bets, the trader must study the pairs as well as the basic principles that each of them have.

Stop-Loss Orders in Forex Trading

The most effective strategy for traders who are part-time is for your laptop to become you ”trading partner.” It is possible to use the right trading software that can let technologies work for you is advantageous, especially since trading on the trading market for forex is extremely volatile and hard to track. Another popular strategy is to use Stop-loss order which implies that in the event that the market makes a sudden change against your position and you lose money, your money is safe.

Price Action in Forex

There is also a method for traders with a part-time job who go into or out of work (10 min at an interval). The short, but regular trading hours could lend themselves to the implementation of the cost-action method of trading. Price action trading involves studying chart or technical data that accompany the foreign currency in order to help traders make decisions. The traders can look at upward bars (a bar with an upper high or a lower low than the bar before it) as well as look for down bars (a bar that has an lower high or low than the prior).

The bars that have a positive signify an upward trend and down bars indicate an upward trend, and others price action indicators can be outside or inside bars. The most important thing to remember when using this strategy is to trade off of a chart’s timing which is the most appropriate for your needs.

Other Forex Trading Strategies

These strategies can also serve you in a way as an occasional forex trader.

Make fewer positions and hold them for days.

It is critical that you know the driving forces behind your currency pairs and that you have taken the time to know the market. Thus, after studying your market, and narrowing it down to specific currency pairs choosing a handful of positions to hold for a longer time is a wise method for those who are part-time. Another option is to incorporate stop-loss orders in all of your trades in order to limit loss if the market goes against your position.

Look at long-term trends.

It is important to look at trends that are longer-term (daily/weekly) rather than taking a look at hourly or charting for four hours. This allows you to trade without having to look at your computer just once per day.

Make trading transactions.

Set limits, stop-loss or other exit/entry orders can help you ensure that you do not overlook opportunities to trade or exit positions. A majority of trade platforms allow these kinds of orders without additional charges.

Utilize technology!

Automated trading in general and for this matter and now automated alerts can be set up to your email or mobile phone to stay informed of the price of currencies even if you’re not trading.

The Bottom Line

The forex market is attractive for traders who are part-time because it is open 24 hours a day and is always in flux giving traders plenty of chances to make profits at any time throughout the day.

forex trader thinking half deeply

The forex market is highly unpredictable. This is why it can be risky for all traders, but especially the part-time trader, in case the right strategy isn’t followed. Strategies like trading certain currencies that are in active during the hours of the days you are able to trade using longer timeframes, employing price action techniques and using technology can contribute to the success of forex traders who are part-time. The risk tolerance of the trader, leverage and time duration (from daily to weekly) should also be considered when determining any strategy for traders that is broader in scope.

In the end, these components are essential to the trade strategy regardless of whether the goal is on long-term or short-term results.